ama call dis one "ME"

this is the first post! and i wanna talk about myself . i am one to keep everything in my head... no writing down, or archives. not cuz i dont want to leave any evidence behind but i just don't have the patience... info comes out my mouth much faster than my fingers write holding a pen or typing and i have alot to say.
I grew up in different places; born in Switzerland, lived in parts of Cameroon and South Africa and have visited many countries around Africa...about 15. this makes me quite diverse and usually different from those surrounding me, what i like to describe as a  limited edition typa guy! :)
Fun fact# i am Black but as a little boy, the first time i saw a classroom  packed with black kids( when i went to cameroon for the first tym) i ran for cover and literally cried!!! lol
Very passionate, talkative, and friends with almost everyone... i also dig being on my own for long hours and i will just be doing the same thing repeatedly... maybe listening to the same playlist, looking at a picture or clock, or even just snapping my fingers... My Mum called it daydreaming, i call it thinking, others think i have psycho moments.
My plan is to transfer some of those "thoughts"to this blog! then we can all call it BLOGGING! ;)
I am also very curious and wanting to know...without asking many questions. so i find myself playing detective quite often; "putting the pieces together"

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